Ryan Pendleton

I'm a software developer from Utah. I love learning, solving problems, and developing reliable software that fulfills the needs of the people who use it. I find great satisfaction in knowing I can improve the lives of those around me while doing something I love.


Utah Valley University Bachelor of Science, Computer Science Graduated May 2017 Magna Cum Laude – 3.86 GPA

Utah County Academy of Sciences High School, Accelerated (Early College) STEM Graduated May 2014 High Honors – 3.83 GPA

Skills and Interests


  • iOS, macOS, and web development
  • Linux back-end development
  • Server and database management


  • Proficient in: C#, Swift, Objective-C, C++, C, SQL, PHP, HTML, SCSS, JavaScript
  • Experienced in: Bash, D, Java, MATLAB, TypeScript
  • Exposure to: Assembly, Go, Lua, ML, Python, Rust


  • compiler construction
  • embedded development
  • education

Work Experience

Senior iOS Developer @ Verisk (Xactware)

Jul '17 - Present

Technologies: C#, .NET, Xamarin, Swift, Objective-C, TeamCity

Developed Xactimate for iOS, an app that assists professionals with estimation in the property insurance, remodeling, and restoration industries. Xactimate allows users to quickly and accurately estimate the cost of projects by collecting structure diagrams, loss information, and relevant project and content costs.

SI Leader and Tutor @ Utah Valley University

Aug ’15 - May ’17

Planned and led supplemental instruction sessions for Data Structures and Algorithms, occasionally instructing classes when the professor was unable to. Assisted students with various Computer Science courses ranging from freshman through senior level. Among others, my assigned courses included Advanced C++ Development, Analysis of Algorithms, Artificial Intelligence, Data Structures and Algorithms, and Operating Systems Theory.

Software Developer (Contractor) @ Parakeet

May ’15 - Sep ’16

Technologies: Swift, C++, Go, Linux, HTML, SCSS, TypeScript, Gulp, Python

Designed and developed websites, native mobile apps, and embedded systems for home automation. Projects included the development of the company public facing website, the design and development of an iOS app used to configure IoT devices via Bluetooth LE, and various development improvements to an embedded Linux system.

Software Developer (Contractor) @ Infuse Medical

Feb ’13 - Jun ’16

Technologies: Objective-C, SQLite, C, AWS, PHP, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Node.js, Gulp

Developed iOS and web apps to assist well known (Fortune 500) medical companies with employee and customer training, sales, marketing, and other in-house needs. Occasionally developed accompanying REST APIs. Apps varied from simple informational kiosks to apps with the ability to locally process large datasets while offline. Several of the apps that I developed and worked on were awarded Gold and Silver Awards from MM&M (Medical Marketing and Media) and Horizon Interactive Awards.

Software Developer @ Christa McAuliffe Space Center

Aug ’09 - Sep ’15

Technologies: Objective-C, C++, C, TCP, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, PHP

Designed, developed, and maintained a macOS platform used to create educational spaceship simulators for a local Utah company. The platform provided a networked real-time push database, a plugin-based architecture, and a development SDK. The system was used to prepare and direct "space missions" designed to teach math, science, and collaboration skills in both youth and adult groups.

Other Contract Projects

Aug ’09 - Present

Technologies: AWS, C, C++, D, Swift, Objective-C, PHP, HTML, SCSS, JavaScript

Designed, developed, and maintained macOS, iOS, and web apps for various companies.